Bài tập về tính từ và trang từ trong tiếng anh - Ảnh 1 : Kỹ năng giao tiếp ứng xử thông minh

Bạn cũng có thể theo dõi toàn bộ bài viết về chủ đề tính từ trong tiếng anh, trạng từ trong tiếng anh.

1. Tóm tắt lý thuyết về tính từ và trạng từ

Tính từ và Trạng từ là chủ điểm quan trọng lúc luyện thi TOEIC. Trong chủ điểm này, Academy.vn sẽ tập trung vào một số phần quan trọng như sau: Vị trí tính từ, trạng từ; So sánh hơn kém; Hiện tại phân từ (V-ing) và Quá khứ phân từ  (V-ed). Để trả lời được câu hỏi của họ, đặc biệt là phần Sentence completion của kì thi TOEIC, bạn phải nắm rõ chức năng, vị trí của tính từ cũng như cách nhận biết tính từ và trạng từ thông qua đuôi của từ (phần này tôi sẽ nói trong Chia sẻ Kinh nghi level 500-750. Mục tiêu của bài viết hôm nay, tôi muốn các bạn học và nhớ vị trí của tính từ, trạng từ trong một câu. Việc này coi như bạn đã nắm được 50 % trả lời đúng cho loại câu hỏi này.

2. Quy tắc ghi nhớ trật tự của tính từ

Màu sắc (color)

Nguồn gốc (origin)

Chất liệu (material)

Mục đích (purpose)

Danh từ (noun)
















3. Bài tập về tính từ và trạng từ trong tiếng anh

I. Tìm ra những trạng từ trong câu dưới đây:

1. They worked fast to cover the distance before the breakfast hour.
2. He wanted to go there immediately.
3. He walked farther than I did.
4. They got up very early.
5. Are you quite sure of this?
6. I didn't know it so well as him.
7. Today I feel somewhat better.
8. He does his work quite differently from his brother.
9. I wish he could write more plainly, so that I could read his letters easily.
10. They usually begin to work at 6 o'clock in the morning.
11. He is well spoken of.
12. The children of out school were all neatly dressed
13. He works hard all day

II. Đặt trạng từ vào đúng chỗ trong câu:

1. He has read that book . (already).
2. This book is interesting (extremely).
3. I haven't been there (before).
4. He is on time (seldom).
5. He has a bad pain in his chest (today, very).
6. The elevator operates (automatically).
7. He arrives (on time, never, at the meeting).
8. I saw Dan (at the lecture, last night).
9. I will be there (certainly, by 2 o'clock).
10. He left the office (this afternoon, early).
11. She will return the book (next week, to, the library).
12. She went (at 6 o'clock, to school).
13. He was born (in 1392, at 10 am, on June 14th).
14. They stayed (all day, quietly, there).

III. Chọn từ chính xác để điền vào câu:

1 They dance the Tango (beautiful / beautifully)
2 She planned their trip to Greece very (careful / carefully)
3 Jim painted the kitchen very (bad / badly)
4 She speaks very (quiet / quietly)
5 Turn the stereo down. It's too (loud / loudly)
6 He skipped________ down the road to school. (Happy / happily)
7 He drives too (fast / well)
8 She knows the road (good / well)
9 He plays the guitar (terrible / terribly)
10 We're going camping tomorrow so we have to get up (early /soon)
11 Andy doesn't often work (hard / hardly)
12 Sometimes our teacher arrives______for class. (Late / lately)

IV. Chọn tính từ hoặc trạng từ thích hợp vào câu sau:

1. As the play unfolds, the audience is (subtle / subtly) brought into the grip of an awful evil.
2. In a bold, sometimes (careless / carelessly), form there is nothing academic.
3. The (clever / cleverly) updated detective tale succeeded despite a serious flirt with cliché.
4. Last week we buried my closest friend, and it was a (deep / deeply) moving service.
5. She straightened up and looked out the window (direct / directly) at him.
6. In times gone by, the paddle steamers docked to pick up their loads of (fresh / freshly) bailed cotton.
7. All goes (good / well), and after some time he feels relaxed enough to go for a walk.
8. Your trigger(happy / happily) friend isn't in the house.
9. The gulf between the 'rich' and the 'poor' has narrowed, to the point that the word 'poor' is (hard / hardly) applicable.
10. (Interesting / Interestingly), the changes the adapter has made seem designed to make the story even more frightening.
11. He joined dozens of others that sailed (lazy / lazily) toward the surface.
12. He swore so (loud / loudly) at the top of his voice, that she didn't get any sleep all the next night.
13. Frankly, it is very (clever / cleverly) done.
14. Such (nice / nicely) balances of economic integration are hard to sustain for more than a single generation.
15. There are already rumours that publishers are feeling (nervous / nervously).
16. Children should be cared for by a (normal / normally) and healthy family.
17. We hoped this war could be resolved both (quick / quickly) and with as few civilian casualties as possible.
18. All we wanted to do was to stand very (quiet / quietly) and look and look and look.
19. He wanted to pat her neck (most / mostly) because she was so wonderful to touch.
20. It was (nice / nicely) packaged and wrapped in pretty, recycled paper

Choose these sentences:

1. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
A. Sometimes take
B. Take sometimes
C. In my coffee sometimes
2. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
A.Is usually
B. Usually is
C. Very friendly usually
3. Pete gets angry. (never)
A. Never gets
B. Gets never
C. Angry never
4. They read a book. (sometimes)
A. Read sometimes
B. Sometimes read
C. Read a book sometime
5. He listens to the radio. (often) hoc tieng anh
A. Often listens
B. Listens often
C. To the radio often
6. He's really lazy and _____ tries.
A. hard
B. hardly
C. Either could be used here. Academy
7. He should pass the test _____.
A. easy
B. easily
C. easilly
8. He's a ____ actor.
A. terrible
B. terribl
9. I've been having a lot of headaches ____.
A. late
B. lately
10. Check your work ____.
A. careful
B. carefuly
C. carefully
11. I know them quite ____.
A. good
B. well
C. Either could be used here.
12.  She's a ____learner.
A. quick
B. quickly
13.  She speaks so very ____.
A. quick
B. quickly
14. The TV's far too ____.

A. loud
B. loudly
C. Either could be used here.
15. She played _____.
A. beautiful
B. beautifuly
C. beautifully
16. Maria ….  opened her present. (slow)
A. Slow
B. Slowly
17. Don't speak so …... I can't understand you. (fast)
A. Fast
B. Fastly
18. Our basketball team played ….. last Friday. (bad)
A. Badly
B. Bad
19. This steak smells …... (good)
A. Good
B. Goodly
20. Jack is ….  upset about losing his keys. (terrible)
A. Terribly
B. Terrible
21. Robin looks … . What's the matter with him? (sad)
A. Sadly
B. Sad
22. Be …. with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful)
A. Careful
B. Carefully
23. This hamburger tastes …. . (awful)
A. Awful
B. Awfuly
C. Awfully
24. Kevin is ….. clever. (extreme)
A. Extremely
B. Extreme
25. The bus driver was …..  injured. (serious)
A. Serious
B. Seriously

Đáp án bài tập tính từ và trạng từ phần trắc nghiêm:

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. B

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