It’s 1762. John Montagu is the 4th Earl of Sandwich, a small parish in the southest of England. Despite his keen administrative …(1)…, Montagu is a corrupt …(2)…, an adulterous …(3)…, and an incessant, degenerate gambler.
Often, while Montagu is in the midst of a particularly high-stakes game, he will insist on being served his …(4)…at the table. In a moment of vision, though likely …(5)…by his travels, the Earl orders his meat and …(6)… be brought to him stacked between two …(7)…of bread so that he may eat with one hand while continuing to gamble with the other.
In one notorious …(8)…, Montagu spends a full day and night gambling. It is during the …(9)…24 hours at the gaming table that Montagu’s characteristic handheld concession is dubbed “the sandwich.” According to one estimate, Americans now …(10)…more than 300 million sandwiches every day.

Đáp án:(1)…skills (2)…politician (3)…husband (4)…meals (5)…inspired (6)…cheese (7)…slices (8)…episode (9)…infamous (10)…consume

Từ mới: 
  • earl: Bá tước
  • parish: giáo xứ
  • keen: sắc sảo
  • corrupt: tham nhũng, thối nát
  • adulterous: ngoại tình
  • incessant: liên miên, không ngớt
  • degenerate: thoái hóa, suy đồi
  • gambler: con bạc
  • high-stakes game: cuộc chơi đặt cược lớn, có nguy cơ mất rất nhiều tiền
  • stacked: chất, chồng
  • notorious: khét tiếng
  • dubbed: đặt tên, gọi là
